Friday, April 30, 2010

Fresh Getaways

I have finally found the right "30 second phrase" for this new service, because "high end bachelorette parties" was not doing it. While that is a primary market, it was shutting down the conversation before it began. It takes some testing to get it just right.

Fresh Getaways

Fresh provides all-inclusive weekend getaways for women.

It is that simple. I spoke with hundreds of women at a women's expo last weekend, and I saw the smile on their faces when I spoke that phrase. One woman even said, "I've always thought someone should do that!"

Join the conversation on our new Facebook Fan Page. Tell us your stories on the discussion board, watch for photos and comments!


  1. Nice and will join the conversation. By the way I had subscribed to your blog on my RSS, so great to see progress!!

  2. Reconsidering tagline, to include "people" and "families" in my market. But, women need it more, no? ;)
