Michelle Girasole, living the 40 yo mompreneur lifestyle joyfully. She promises not to post daily, or even regularly, but when she does post, she writes with passion, humor (and sometimes common sense) on the topics of business, motherhood, and loving life.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Fresh Getaways
Fresh Getaways
Fresh provides all-inclusive weekend getaways for women.
It is that simple. I spoke with hundreds of women at a women's expo last weekend, and I saw the smile on their faces when I spoke that phrase. One woman even said, "I've always thought someone should do that!"
Join the conversation on our new Facebook Fan Page. Tell us your stories on the discussion board, watch for photos and comments!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 40 - Objection!
"I am NOT having a BACHELORETTE party!" This woman looked at me like I was the devil. She said, "I've already asked my friends to spend enough money on the dress and wedding gifts and the shower. I'm not asking them to spend more going OUT. We're having a backyard potluck the weekend before the wedding."
Clearly not my market. "Oh, that sounds good. You really just want to hang out and talk anyway. You don't need to go to a club." She took my brochure and walked off.
Others felt the same way about asking for more expenditures, but liked the idea of spending a Saturday doing something fun together. Their faces lit up when they read the possibilities listed in the brochure. I am reinventing the phrase "bachelorette party" in a delightful way.
One maid of honor was taking the bride to NYC for pole dancing lessons. Others had plans for Block Island getaways. This confirms my weekend getaway concept is attractive, and that they are making these plans all on their own. Fresh will pull it all together, making it easy to say YES.
That is the marketing challenge. Knowing who your target market IS and who it IS NOT. I don't want to try to *sell* a woman who is clearly not interested. I want to spend more time talking to those who "get it", and are eager to get some help making this party decadent. The ones who want to say "YES" to more fun in their lives. :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 39 - Save Beechwood House
My Search for the perfect property
As you know, I've been researching various properties around the state for a home for my new business. I've been driving by these yellow signs that say "Save Beechwood House!" with a Gmail address. While I agree that Beechwood House (a lovely waterfront Victorian, which until last fall served as the senior center, and just ordered demolished by the town) should not be razed, I didn't know much about what was going on with that property.
Something made me pause on Tuesday, and stop by the property to get more info. With no website, and no knowledge of which groups were behind this effort, I went to the new senior center to get some info. The nice lady at the counter was friendly, but not too helpful. "We're not leading that cause, so I guess you'll just have to email them to find out." A nice man gave me a tour of the new facility, which is just beautiful. I joked with him that I can't wait to turn 55, so that I may use it, too.
The Scoop
I emailed the address yesterday morning, and was connected with Dave, who met me at Bagelz for coffee that afternoon. He gave me the scoop on the recent history of the building, the forces trying to save it, and those trying level it. I got the sense that those who supported the new building construction for the senior center just didn't want their ocean view obstructed by this building. Aside from some town resource-draining suggestions (like a museum, youth center or moving the building), there have been no strong proponents for DOING something productive with the site.
My Love
This property played a central part in welcoming my family to North Kingstown when we moved here in June of 2008. I remember dragging the kids around to look at houses on Memorial Day Weekend, and rewarding them with a quick visit to the beach. They immediately met some young friends and were very enthusiastic about the move.
The morning after we moved in, I put on my sneakers early in the morning, and took a walk around my new neighborhood. Destination: Beach Street, one mile from our house! The big oak trees and stone walls reminded me of my childhood home in Cumberland. The ocean front community area reminded me of our beach house in Narragansett. The best of both worlds, it instantly felt like home. I picked up a shell that a seagull left behind, and added it to my collection when I got home. I remember feeling wistful that the Beechwood Senior Center was not for the use of all citizens. But the town elders must have their own space to gather, and lucky them to have such a beautiful spot to enjoy!
In the months since, I have walked almost daily around town, including frequent sunrise visits to the Beechwood House porch rockers. What a completely wonderful way to begin a day that often is chaotic for me, in my life as a work-at-home mother of two.
Of course I'll help!
So from Day One (which was yesterday, ironically) I was "in". I wanted to join the Forces of Good to stop the Forces of Darkness from destroying a cherished town asset. But how? Dave shared with me this link to Preserve RI's Preservation Alert for Beechwood House:
All this was so helpful in trying to help figure out what our strategy should be. Since we're still working on this part, I won't share all the cool details here, but I'm curious to see if the "Save Beechwood House" keywords will lead people to this site, for more information. It was something I was lacking when I searched.
A Movement
I have been "doing what I do" when I get an idea - vetting it with friends and neighbors. So far, every time I say what I would want to do with the Beechwood House, people's eyes light up. And then, the suggestions start. And I love every one of them, already envisioning the smiles on the citizen's faces as they gather there.
- a cafe, so people could stop, buy food, eat, hang out, read,
- a bookstore,
- a small wedding or conference facility, (similiar to what Narragansett Beach has that generates as much as $180,000in additional revenue for the town),
- music performances on the porch or in the parlor,
- space for youth to gather after school,
- space for moms to gather with their children (and caregivers to provide tired mom's with a much needed break) I hear that one! :)
- space for non-profits and entrepreneurs to meet, get online and have some food
- an Inn, to return the property to its early 20th century use as a stop over for tourists heading to Newport.
Personally, I'd love to see a volleyball tournament, or other lawn sports like bocce ball and croquet. How fun would that be?
My Facebook friends agree. One friend, from Newport wrote:
"I've seen the signs. Didn't realize they built a new senior center in NK. The old home is beautiful...would hate to see it torn down."
Another mom offered her help if I got it going. Another two friends (one from the RIEDC) gave the idea a "thumbs up".
I stopped to chat with some ladies who knit on Thursday afternoons at Bagelz (which is quickly becoming the cultural epicenter of Wickford, BTW). They said "Oh, I overheard someone from the Town say that for so long, no one has taken any interest in the building, but now that it will be razed, we've had 3 or 4 inquiries." Dave said that 4 local churches support the facility's continuation as a youth center. Awesome. It should be easy to get support. So, what's the hold up?
They needed someone to step up with a valid revenue-generating proposal for the use of the property. Something that would not cost the Town money, but rather create some return on the investment it would take to renovate it. They won't sink money into a moth-balled property. I don't want my property taxes to go up either. Makes sense. But who?
Looks like they found their girl. But, I know that it takes a village to save the world. And it will take a local tidal wave of support to share the responsibility and the rewards. If anyone has any interest in doing ANYTHING - painting, planting flowers, light construction, offering workshops that might bring people down, renting the place for a function, WHATEVER... please email SaveBeechwoodHouse@Gmail.com. Or, even better, post a comment here, and let us know what you think. The more people see the tidal wave coming, the better chances we have of success!
Thanks, everyone, in advance. I thank you. Dave and Mike and Ed thank you. The Beechwood House thanks you, too. I see the potential in that place. And, I suspect I'm not alone. :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Live, Love, Laugh
LIVE - Live like there's no tomorrow. What would you do if you knew with certainty you'd be dead in 24 hours? I may write a short blog post like this one. I most likely would try to cram in my Bucket List of stuff I have always wanted to do with Rich and the kids and my family and friends. I wouldn't worry about balancing my checkbook or cleaning the oven.
LOVE - Love like your heart can't be broken. Unconditional love isn't hard work, but it makes things a whole lot simpler. Just be loving, and your world changes around you.
LAUGH - Someone asked me what I loved to do most. I answered "Laugh." I love to laugh, I enjoy making people laugh. I laugh often. It keeps me sane. Do I laugh too much? No one has ever told me that, so I guess not.
Over my kitchen door, I have a grape leaf design plaque I ordered off of eBay a few years back. It says "Live Well. Love Much. Laugh Often." I decided this will be the central theme of the marketing campaign for Fresh. The vision/slogan is "Good. Clean. Fun.", but the marketing campaign will feature people living well, loving much and laughing often. That is what will draw people to my events, and event planners to join my company.
Note, I said "people". Not "bachelorettes", not even "women". I've been reflecting on this and researching, and I'm declaring a shift. I will build this company to enable anyone in the world to have good clean fun - men, women, children. I think the world needs more of that. We'll see if it is too broad a mission for the market to bear. We'll see...
I hope I am laughing all the way to the bank. ;-)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 38 - Fresh's Providence Debut
I got to present right before Mayor David Cicilline, which was cool. I think the audience liked it. People came up to me the next day, and even over the weekend at the flower show telling me they liked it a lot. Ironically, all three people who commented were guys. What does that say about market readiness? Hmmm....
Here's the Facebook Video Link. Check it out. Let me know how you like it.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Day 37 - Motherhood Frenzy
The next night, he woke up coughing again. This time, the coughing led to vomiting, all over his bedroom and the bathroom, at 1:30am. After calming him down, cleaning him up, changing his bed, doing the laundry, cleaning the carpet, bleaching the bathroom, etc. - for some strange reason - I could not go back to sleep! ;-)
And so, I finished my Pecha Kucha presentation and mailed it off at 3:30am, then went back to bed, to grab a few more hours of sleep before the sun poked its head out. Man, was I tired. (For those of you wondering, Rich was in California this week on a business trip. Normally, he'd be right there beside me, helping with the cleaning.) It was a rough week. Both kids sick, two birthday parties, client work to finish, house to keep clean, school volunteer time. And then, the snowstorm on Wednesday.
The weatherfolks (notorious for overpredicting) overpredicted, foretelling of white out conditions, 6-12 inches of snow, yada yada. Pecha Kucha was postponed until next Tuesday. School was cancelled. People all over the state hunkered down. Several friends of ours, knowing Rich was away, offered their help, if I needed it. I offered help to my aunt, who I knew who had to work in town, to stay with us if she didn't want to drive back to her home in the city. We all braced for the nor'easter.
We got about 5 inches of snow. Maybe.
Don't get me wrong, I was glad for the snow day. I've loved them ever since I was a kid. But instead of the peaceful days of lounging that I remember as a kid, it was a total frenzy.
I stacked the wood for the fire pit, pulled down the sleds, got the snowblower poised (excited for my first trial with it!), got the kids some movies, had a conference call in my slippers instead of a board meeting in the city, helped Jessie make chocolate chip cookies (filming segments for her dream cooking show on YouTube, of course), shoveled the snow off the deck, kept the kids from killing each other more than once, made chili in the crockpot, got the kids bundled for sledding, wiped the tears from Nick's face after Jessie hit him (in the face) with a snowball, made 2 snowmen and a snow cat, hung all our wet clothes to dry in the garage, pulled out some handmade Valentine's card material for Jess to work on, launched a client email campaign, cleaned the kitchen, folded laundry, played Littlest Pet Shop Monopoly, found batteries for the remote control R2D2 Nick got for his birthday, checked email, returned some phone calls, set the table, flooded the snowblower, called Rich for a phone consult on what I did wrong, cleared the driveway, greeted Aunt Judy, put out cheese and crackers, poured wine, enjoyed dinner, cleared off her car, said goodbye, gave the kids showers, cleaned the kitchen, and then ABSOLUTELY CRASHED!
Gone are the days of lounging around in pajamas on a snow day. I'd like to think this was an unusually busy day, but it was par for the course. And I have "only" two kids. How the HELL does the Octo-mom do it?! I have renewed respect for single mothers. I laugh and call myself "The High-Octane Mom".
When I tell people that I work from home, I am sure they picture a serene setting, where the children put puzzles together on the floor at my feet while I quietly work at the computer, writing my book. Maybe once or twice in the 8 years I've been doing this has that actually happened. No, my life is hectic, but I love it.
I thrive on chaos. I know that this lifestyle has caused a slight (severe?) attention deficit disorder. Or was that caused by my Blackberry? I fondly remember the days in my quiet corner office at my corporate job, when I could close the door and concentrate for an hour or two at a time. I know that someday, I will have that again. But for now, being a Mompreneur is my job.
My "maternity leave" has lasted eight years. I've started three companies, served on five boards, moved offices four times, moved to a new home once. More importantly, I've raised my daughter and son, been home to get them off the bus, helped out in their classrooms, and tucked them in at night. I've had LOTS of help from family and friends. I fall asleep on the couch every night (if I make it downstairs after getting the kids in bed). Frankly, I wouldn't want it any other way. I love my life, frenzy and all.
I am expecting Rich to walk in, red-eyed from his "red-eye" flight home any minute now. The house is by no means spotless, but I made an effort to tidy it up last night, because he appreciates that. There are fresh flowers on the kitchen island, and ingredients for his favorite meal in the fridge. I make an effort to please everyone. I glance over at the laundry basket that is once again full and needs folding. (Did I really do six loads this week?!)
Nah, I'd rather be blogging right now. The sun will be up soon, and like a duck that appears calm on above the water, I'll be kick, kick, kicking like crazy under the surface, to get it all done. (Thank you, Christine Carr, author of Mother Daze, for that reference.)
In case you think I'm applying for a saint-of-the-year award, please reconsider. I make sure I get plenty of "Me Time", too. In exactly 12 hours, I will be walking through the doors of "The Sweetheart Retreat" put on by my friends Kathy Black and Joanna Merriweather. For the 24 hours that follow, I will be immersed in the experience, gathering with a small group around a campfire, walking in the woods, drinking tea, meditating, RELAXING. Ahhhh... Good for the soul.
Because when I get back, it's school vacation, and the kids will want to play all their birthday games. There's a Valentine's Day cookie workshop, plans for more sledding and ice skating, the rescheduled Pecha Kucha presentation, Leading Women breakfast, another client email campaign, Jessie has a birthday sleepover on Friday, they both have basketball practice on Saturday, grocery shopping, more laundry, etc. And it don't stop. Nor would I want it to. Life is good.
But, don't you think "Motherhood Frenzy" is the perfect title to the life we mompreneurs lead?! It fits. If you know anyone, I am accepting applications for the position of "Michelle Logistics Manager". Please send resumes to Michelle@TheSassyLadies.com. ;-) Good luck!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Day 36 - Coughing up a new blog
You guessed it. Mommy never went back to sleep. After trying for an hour, I got up to write. And started the new bachelorette party website. Yahoo! Feeling great about that. Read at your leisure - it's only two pages as of today.
I also did some more work on the Keynote presentation I am working on for Wednesday night's Pecha Kucha event. It will be the official public launch of "Fresh" and a bunch of friends are coming. I am soooo looking forward to this night. (My kids and I will stay healthy as oxes until at least Thursday!)
As it turns out, this particular night will have an international audience, because all the local chapters around the world are coming together Saturday to benefit Haiti. No pressure, but the world will be watching. This has got to be good!
Gotta run, I have to practice. I'll have 20 slides and 20 seconds each to pitch this to the Providence community. I'm sure it will be the quickest 6 minutes and 40 seconds ever!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Days 32-35
Daughter got stomach bug.
I had to cancel the Fresh strategy session, so nobody catches the bug.
The kids bowling birthday party, with 50 kids and their parents is tonight. Food, favors and fun are my main focus.
Apparently, I picked the wrong day to upgrade from my Blackberry to a new Android phone. I can't figure out how to do anything yet, and everytime I think I'm hanging up, I'm actually calling the person back. WTH?
So, no blogging on Days 32-25.
And, no apologies, either. It is what it is.
I will resume posts ASAP. Thanks for noticing I was gone! :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Day 31 - Insane or Strategic?
Cathy was asking me about Fresh, and I told her about a new line of underwear and tank tops that I wanted to add to the website. She laughed at the brand name, and the whole table erupted in laughter.
"Michelle, you're crazy!" They said. I smiled. It's not the first time I've heard that.
Today, I got a phone call from a marketing friend who was calling for some advice. After answering her questions, I told her I might take her up on her offer to help me with some content development on the new website, because I knew what I wanted, but I have so much going on, it will take me a while to focus on it. She said, in a joking, but slightly sarcastic tone, "Oh, and you want to run a bakery on top of it all?" (Referring to the Sweet Cakes bakery essay contest)
"No, I don't want to RUN a bakery. I want to OWN a bakery. There's a difference. I can buy the supply chain for $59.95. I will keep the current staff and hire a manager to run the bakery. I just want the cupcakes."
Pondering these reactions to my business idea, I realized this entrepreneurship thing is not for the faint of heart. I have a very clear vision of the business as a whole, and all of the moving parts I need to make it successful. People I talk to can't possibly have the vision I do, and think in terms of their own perspective. That's okay. I don't mind if they think I'm crazy. I take their comments with a grain of salt. I know what I'm doing.
I can see that they are all thinking from the employee mentality. (And, yes, some of them are reading this, and I'm not trying to belittle you here at all!) I'm just pointing out where I would fail as an entrepreneur, if I got sensitive about every negative comment ever made about my ideas. I would never get out of the gate.
Running a business is not the same as having a job. No, it is not possible for me to do this alone. I cannot create the business myself to the scale of my vision. I cannot be out with bachelorette parties until well after midnight, drop them off at the mansion, then open a bakery at 4am, then go home to feed my kids breakfast, have meetings all day, make dinner, then go back out and do it all again that night. Now, THAT's crazy talk. I will have to get LOTS of help in this business, obviously.
The key is to have a strategic plan, which I am currently working on. What needs to be done? Who will do what? How much money do I need to fund all of this activity? How much money will be made by the various products and services? When will I break even? How profitable will I be? Who do I know who can help me plug in all the pieces?
These are all the questions one must answer when starting a business. And if the answer to all your questions is, "I can do that myself to save money," then it is not a business you're making at all.
It is a job.
And, you will be the worst boss you ever had. You will work yourself to the bone. If the business depends on you to do all the work, then it is not a scalable business, and you will never be able to sell it, unless you sell yourself. Does that make sense?
So, Friday, I have a big strategy session planned, and I've invited some key people over to go over my strategy and poke holes. I'm ASSUMING none of them will tell me I'm crazy, though I expect them to play devil's advocate and raise concerns, so that risks and pitfalls may be considered. Out of this session, I hope to get an actionable map of what the business needs to reach my vision.
Friday night, Chris came back to the table with my martini, and also asked some questions about the business. Being a small business owner himself, he was asking about the branding, potential services, and seemed eager to brainstorm a bit. I appreciate friends like this. I appreciate all feedback, positive or negative, but I get energy from other entrepreneurs who think like I do.
So, Chris, I raise my martini glass to toast you in today's blog. (I've been toasting a lot of people in this blog - see a trend? ;-) Thanks for playing with the idea, and if we ever institute a "least eligible bachelor" night at Fresh, you'll be top on my list. (It was his idea...and I love ideas! ;-)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Day 30 - The Rose
"The Rose"
Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
and you its only seed.
It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose.
You Tube offered several videos - I liked this duet with Bette Midler and Wynonna Judd.
All we need is love. And roses. In describing the Fresh concept, I keep hearing myself coming back to LOVE. Where the wedding is a celebration of the love of the couple, the bachelorette party celebrates love for the bride by her family and friends. And my company will give them a chance to strengthen that love through connection with each other, whether just for a night or for a long weekend.
Yes, we'll party and play, but there will be an undercurrent of love throughout the whole agenda. And, roses. Lots of roses!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Day 29 - Serendipities and Intuition
It's a word I've been hearing often lately, including last night, which gave me pause to reflect on this word.
After Googling the word, which means "the aptitude of making fortunate discoveries by accident", I got down to the origin:
"Word History: We are indebted to the English author Horace Walpole for the word serendipity, which he coined in one of the 3,000 or more letters on which his literary reputation primarily rests. In a letter of January 28, 1754, Walpole says that "this discovery, indeed, is almost of that kind which I call Serendipity, a very expressive word." Walpole formed the word on an old name for Sri Lanka, Serendip. He explained that this name was part of the title of "a silly fairy tale, called The Three Princes of Serendip: as their highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of...."
Well, thank you, Mr. Walpole and Sri Lanka, for that delightful word. Never mind that I then had to look up the definition of sagacity. This sleep-deprived, and creative brain of mine has no room for such trivia.
Often, we do not have the sagacity to make discoveries that are fortunate, and can have a major impact on the direction of our lives. (See how I turned right around and used the word "sagacity" in a sentence? My 3rd grade teacher would be so proud.)
But I digress. We save that business card for "someday when I'm ready", instead of recognizing the moment to start the conversation is now. Or, we shrug off a geniune offer to help, thinking we do not want to impose on someone else to make our dreams come true.
When we trust our intuition, and shut off our minds before we overthink it, perhaps jumping in before we're ready, we allow the serendipities to occur.
I recently watched the romantic comedy, "Serendipity", with Kate Beckensale and John Cusak. This movie drove me nuts. Beckensale's character, Sara, refuses to give John's character, Jonathan, her name or number, and decides to leave their future to fate.
Sara asks Jonathan to write his name and phone number on a $5 bill, while she writes her name and number on the inside cover of a book. If they are meant to be together, she tells him, he will find the book and she will find the $5 bill, and they will find their way back to each other.
Really, Sara? The whole movie is wasted on other characters and romantic interests, and you have to wait the whole movie for them to reunite. Meanwhile, several years of their life together are wasted.
I wanted to scream, "Sara! Recognize fate when it slaps you in the face the first time, sugar!" But, that would have scared the cat off my lap, resulting in deep scars on my thighs, so I just suffered through the whole movie. (Not to mention that poor Bridget Moynihan plays Jonathan's soon-to-be ex-fiance. Talk about the foreshadowing of her real life with QB stud, Tom Brady, or what?!)
In business, as in love, you must learn to trust your intuition, and recognize when "fate" is handing you an opportunity. If I took the time to list all the serendipitous occasions that have occurred since I started launching Fresh, I'd be here all day. So I'll just tell you about last night.
I went to Tara Sage Steeves' Dreaming Out Loud workshop, at Lotus Rising in Fall River, MA. It was hosted by Maureen Umehara of WCSWANS. (Links to come) Before the dreaming exercises began, the woman sitting next to me introduced herself as Jennifer, and shared that she wanted to work for herself someday. Without wanting to be too eager to share I just wrote a book on how to start a business, I made a note to tell her this later.
During the course of the evening, I also learned that she wanted to write a novel and start a better fitness and nutrition routine. At this point, I could not contain myself, I had to invite her to join the ShapeUpRI.com team that some writer friends and I had just created to move our bodies and move our writing along! As it turns out, our walking path goes right by her house, and she joyfully accepted the invitation. It was just meant to be. She recognized the serendipity to receive instantaneous support of her goals, and pointed it out to the workshop group.
As it turns out, Jennifer is going through a divorce. I smiled and offered to throw her Divorce Party under Fresh, and again tried not to be too eager in the offer. It is, after all, a sensitive topic, and some women may not feel like throwing a party when the divorce is final. But I think a good party is the solution to everything, so I'm in the perfect industry for me right now!
Let's raise our glasses in a toast to serendipity! (The concept. Not the movie.) A toast to Jennifer, Tara and Maureen, while we're at it, for a completely enjoyable evening together. I'm glad we all had the sagacity to be there together. ;-)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day 28 - Learning to Say No
I just got the following email from a very worthy cause, and it struck me as very assumptive. I changed the names to protect the innocent
"Enclosed please view the invite for the {Very Worthy Cause Organization Rhode Island} first event. We need your support for this new chapter coming to Providence soon. Many great people have surfaced including {Name of a friend} to help launch this important mission.
Please contact me directly so we can discuss your important part in this new chapter.
Thanking you in advance, {Name of organizer}"
I read her email, and clicked on the attached flyer invite. It is normally something I would happily attend. But, I already have two conflicting events that I want to go to - my fitness program at the gym - which is only 12 weeks on Thursday nights, and my friend Michelle's Soul at Work Movie Night, which is the event I have chosen to attend that evening.
Here was my response:
Dear (name),
I have heard of your organization and fully support the mission.
Unfortunately on February 25th I already have two events that I committed to. I really wish cloning technology would take off faster. As a busy woman yourself, I'm sure you understand.
Good luck with your event, and please keep me on your mailing list for future events and campaigns.
Saying 'NO' feels pretty freaking good sometimes, I gotta tell ya. I have to try that more often. ;-)
Day 27 - I'm Late
Words that make me drive too fast. Words that I hear coming from my mouth all too often lately. I'm late on this blog. I'm late in closing my 2009 books, I'm late for appointments, I'm late all too often.
My friend Amy recently emailed me this quote from Esther Hicks:
"My favorite line from the teachings of Abraham is that.... "When you are going 5 miles an hour and you hit a tree, its not too big of a deal, but when you are going 500 miles an hour and you hit a tree its a VERY big deal... "
I'm moving really fast in a number of areas in my life right now. I'm enjoying the ride, so I don't want to slow down. But when Amy emailed me that Monday, it hit home. I'm tired of being late, and I'm headed for a big crash. So it's time to slow down. It's time to plan a little better. Time to recruit some help.
It's time to start being on time. Time to give myself breathing room between appointments. Time to stop trying to do it all myself. Time to allow time for follow up. Time for down time. My intention for the weeks ahead are all around using time wisely.
I know that we cannot manage time, we can only manage our energy in relation to time. Miriam wrote a great column for Aspire Magazine called "Taking Care with your time".
I've never been great at managing energy. Fortunately for me, Amy just happened to have written a book, titled "The Energy of Success". She gave it to me on Sunday night. I read part of it this morning, and already found some profound wisdom in the first chapter. I think it is time to spend more time with Amy!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Day 24 - My Lucky Day
*** As suspected I got lucky in many ways:
- In the midst of a torrential downpour of cold New England rain, a parking spot opened up right in front of the door to a crowded Panera Bread.
- Inside Panera, as my meeting with my buddy Frank was winding down, our friend Jeff walked in. He was meeting with Pat Cruz, of Southern New England Woman's magazine, who just happened to be a dynamic woman I've been wanting to meet this year. Done. Met her, and I'll be attending her huge women's conference on 2/17. The door to a future conversation was opened.
- I had the chance to meet with a brilliant, talented woman named Joan who has amazing products (a series of children's books, with merchandise and screenplays) who appreciates my marketing expertise, and is eager to join the Sassy Ladies Club for visibility.
- I was invited to apply for the Betaspring incubator program to launch Fresh, a move that would advance the company by quantum leap. This is normally reserved for technology companies, which Fresh is not, but they see the potential of the concept.
- I got an email from my friend Amy which moved me to tears. She is going to provide me with some much needed support. As I have gotten the vision for this business, and the amount of work that it is going to take to make it succeed (on top of everything already going on with The Sassy Ladies and the kids, I have begun to realize that there is no way I can do it all myself. In talking to her recently about my plans, she noticed that, too, and stepped up to offer her assistance. She is an angel.
- Last night, I attended my dear friend Melody's father's funeral. It was a joyful celebration of his life, filled with gospel music and boisterous eulogies, and an enormous buffet meal. I left the church late, and was worrying about driving home sleepy. As I approached my car, I noticed I was boxed in by a minivan. Two women in front of me were walking in the same direction. I used all my power to envision them inserting their key into the car behind me. (The Law of Attraction works for more than just prosperity, you know.)
Sure enough, it was their minivan! I shouted out loud, "Praise the Lord!", which is not like me, but I had just left a gospel funeral and it seemed appropriate. I was so grateful that I would not have to wait, it made my whole day. They spun around, and we all laughed as I told them I was parked in front of them.
It was my lucky day, indeed.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 23 - Party Every Day
The band members sang these words over and over again to a crowd of sweaty, dancing fans who screamed the lyrics right along with them. The lead singer, a childhood friend of mine, finished the song with a huge smile on his face, looked out at the crowd and said, "I don't know who's having more fun!"
Good times. I hadn't seen Tommy in 25 years, and it was great to see him enjoying life as much as we did as teens. Rich and I met a bunch of friends out at a local club, including my BFFs, Kris and Kathy, and we all had a lot of fun. As old as I am (LOL), I still love going out dancing.
These lyrics rang in my ears all day. I want to party every day. Life is meant to be joyful. I decided that my title in the business would be "Chief Party Girl", or maybe just CPG, and let 'em guess...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Day 22 - The Wisdom of Will Smith
OK, I don't know either one of them...but I'm "acting as if". A girl's gotta dream. A long video - almost ten minutes, but it's a good dose of inspiration. And Will's not to hard on the eyes, if ya know what I'm sayin'...
Day 21 - see a breakfast trend, here?
Guess what? I'm submitting a proposal to buy Sweet Cakes Bakery for $59.95. Cupcakes would be a wonderful addition to the Fresh product line. Bachelorette Tea Parties. Late night, post party binges. One simply MUST have cupcakes. I had planned to spend $59.95 to import luxury cupcakes from NYC, but I just got the ProJo, and before I walked back up the driveway, I had read the news that the local bakery is having a contest, and I know I will win it.
Check it out: sweetcakesbakeryri.com. Another example of how all the resources are lining up perfectly, as if Divine guidance is pulling me along a path. I guess when you have passion, ambition and good intentions, not to mention a head for business and a network to die for, success is inevitable.
I'm having too much fun this year.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
Day 20 - When being capable is your downfall
How true this is. I've often said it takes a village to raise a business, and yet so many solo entrepreneurs think small and stay small because they try to do it all themselves.
I have done it myself. I've had the thought, "Why pay someone else to do something I can do myself? I don't have any money to pay that person for their service, so I have to raise the money first. Until then, I'll just do it myself." Instead, I should have shifted my thoughts to say, "I could be making $100 an hour doing work, if only I wasn't entering email addresses into my database, which my assistant can do for $20 an hour." She can work for 5 hours for $100 and I can do billable work in the amount of $500.
I distinctly recall a conversation I had with a business buddy of mine, Todd Grant. Back then, Todd was the founder and CEO of New Territories, and I asked him at a networking event how his day was. He said, "Well, I didn't have much to do." Now, I knew his business was a $5 million company at the time, and I was shocked to hear he was idle. He explained that he had hired the right people, and he was assured that they were doing their jobs properly, and he had just found himself at a point where he had some breathing room in his schedule. I loved that.
When I decided to sell my share of my web marketing company a year before I actually did, I set about to train my very capable staff members to do the stuff I had been doing, because I knew I wasn't always going to be there. They did a better job of it than I did, and many times I found myself asking, "Why didn't I do this sooner?"
This time, I'm doing it right. My goal is to absolutely nothing. Just kidding! But only half so. I want everyone to do what they're good at, and I want to do marketing, which I'm good at.
I have hired an attorney, and an accountant. I have talked to a few event planners. I have handshake agreements to formalize with hairdressers, make up artists, dance instructors, art teachers, reiki masters, reflexologists, fitness instructors, inspirational speakers, videographers, photographers, limo drivers, conference centers, and many more. They will do what they do. I will market their services to our bridal parties. We will all make money. And, our girls will have the best bachelorette parties ever! It's a beautiful thing, a win-win-win, as they say.
Just because I can do it all, doesn't mean I should. (Not that I can in this case - I am a terrible dancer, artist, driver, etc.) But you get the idea. It will take a village to start Fresh, and I'm building it to be scalable from the beginning.
Because I know we're going to get big, fast. I'm a good marketing person! But I don't want to give up snuggle time with the kids in the morning or get stressed trying to juggle two kids and two businesses. I can't do it all, and I shouldn't do it all.
I just wish more mompreneurs would think the same way. If you're reading this, what one thing can you "outsource", or hire someone else to do for you? Maybe cleaning your house? Maybe sending that direct mail campaign? Maybe your bookkeeping? Think about it and make your move!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day 19 - What Women Want
And guess what I found out? Girls just want to have fun, that's a given. But we REALLY just want to TALK. To each other. Spend quality time together. Get to know each other better. That's what the bachelorette party is about. The bride's closest friends and family (and female family members and friends of the groom) gathers together, usually after the bridal shower, and a few weeks before the wedding, to get the party started.
In my experience, this is when the bridesmaids bond. You have the bride's college roommates and her best friends from elementary school, and the groom's sister, and the women she works with. All of her worlds collide in the weeks leading up to the wedding. There is bonding to be done during the bridal shower planning, of course, but that tends to be driven by the mother or mom-in-law-to-be. And there is protocol to follow when the "family elders" are involved.
But, that bachelorette party. That's when the wedding fun begins! The girls meet each other again, laugh about stories of the shower, talk about how they will coordinate accessories with the bridesmaids dresses, all the while making connections with each other that will lay the groundwork for the fun wedding festivities ahead.
And, of course, The Bride-To-Be is honored, with her royal court roasting her in ways both gentle and sometimes not-so-gentle. It's one of those nights where emotions run high, but for the most part, good times are had by all.
When it comes down to it, if you strip away (pardon the pun) the fake bridal veils, the male-anatomy cakes, the limo rides, the signature drinks, the night club festivities, it's all about getting the chance to talk to each other. And, what opportunity do the ladies really have to do that?
The shower is about the gifts. The rehearsal dinner is about practicing and meeting everyone involved. The wedding day is about the couple and the "pomp and circumstance". The traditional bachelorette party involved dinner and dancing. There are few options. Until now!
I am so freaking excited about the Fresh Getaway packages I'm putting together. I want to take my girlfriends on every one of them. It doesn't matter that we all got married 10-15 years ago. I'll plan the 40th birthdays, the divorce parties, the cancer-remission anniversaries and more. Girls just want to have fun. And time to talk. And laugh. And eat. And play. And FRESH is going to make it all happen, over and over again!
Day 18 - Inspiring Woman, Carrie Johnson
You see, Carrie has an incredible story. She created a $3.5 million dollar commercial cleaning business, called - get this - Sparkle Cleaning. What girl isn't inspired by a little sparkle? Well, Carrie has a lot of sparkle. She has that sparkle in her eye when she talks to you. I saw her talking to another woman across the room, dressed in the perfect red suit and accessories, and just knew she would win the hearts of everyone in the room.
Carrie wasn't always so sparkly. In 1985, she was a single mother of two trying to support her two boys on her $18k annual income as a reporter. They could barely afford to live in government assisted housing and she struggled with alcohol and drug abuse which had long masked the shame of childhood sexual abuse. She was going nowhere, as they say. Or worse, she was headed for disaster.
Carrie went on to tell the room how she discovered herself through her role as an entrepreneur. Her sons gave her purpose, and her business supported a much better lifestyle than the one she had as a reporter. She turned her life around, and created an impressive business, despite the challenges of being a black woman in a white male dominated industry. She then wrote an inspiring book about the whole ordeal, in order to give others the hope and confidence that they can do it, too. She's writing another one now.
In her story, I heard the stories of so many of our sassy lady entrepreneurs. I heard my own story, always struggling to balance the needs of my business and family. Her story is "every woman entrepreneur's story." I was so lucky to be able to interview her afterwards, to share some of Carrie's sparkle. We talked about getting support, about using your emotion and intuition, about networking effectively, about forming a board of advisors for your company.
The video clips are all with the editor right now, and I'll be sure to share them with you when they are ready. You can join our Facebook and Twitter community to join the conversation between now and the April 22nd EWIB Conference in Providence, RI. I highly recommend reading Carrie's book.
Lisa Bergeron, the Conference chair and president of the So. New England chapter of Leading Women, liked the interviews so much, she asked me to interview Carrie on stage as part of the keynote address. If Carrie doesn't mind that format, I'll gladly do it. I could talk to her for hours!
And, you know... as I'm writing this, the idea popped into my head to have FRESH host the conference after party, maybe with a "sparkle" theme. Why not? Great marketing opportunity for all. My wheels are always turning.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day 17 - The Frenzy Hangover
This weekend, I hit the wall. I was exhausted from a lack of sleep and all the creative energy flowing through me. I hadn't been eating right, and was filling every hour with meetings, calls and more. It got to the point of insanity. Time to breathe, take a step back and regroup.
So, what is the remedy for a "frenzy hangover"? Lots of sleep and a good plan.
Sleep. I actually slept for 8+ hours both Saturday and Sunday night. Poor Rich, that means I fall into a deep sleep on the couch at 7pm until 10pm, watch TV with him until 11pm, then sleep until 5am. He has no company when I get like this. In the early morning, I have a 1 1/2 - 2 hours to plan my day, write, and have a cup of tea before the kids wake up and another hectic day begins.
Plan. When there are so many possibilities, you will spin your tires trying to do them all. Take time to plan, prioritize and schedule. It gets it all out of your head and onto paper. Then you can be a little more logical and strategic about how you spend your day.
I'm feeling much better on this side of the long weekend. I'm ready to hit the ground running again. I bounced back, baby! This bachelorette business is moving faster than a speed of light. I seem to be keeping up with it. But I'm REALLY REALLY glad my assistant Erin is back from vacation. If anyone can keep me on track, it is her.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 16 - Climb
I watched the scene where she runs back to the convent after being encountered by the sly Baroness at the ball. That's when the Grand Poobah Nun tells her she must go back to Captain Von Trapp, and sings, "Climb Every Mountain"...you know the lyrics. Climb every mountain, cross every stream... until you find your dream.
My brain doesn't file things quite logically, so while she's singing this song, my mind flashes to another mountain song, by Miley Cyrus, "The Climb", my favorite of her songs. You may not know the lyrics, but they go a little something like this:
"I can almost see it.
That dream I'm dreaming.
But there's a voice inside my head saying,
You'll never reach it...
There's always gonna be another mountain.
I'm always gonna want to make it move.
Always gonna be an uphill battle.
Sometimes you're gonna have to lose.
Ain't about how fast I get there.
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side...
It's the CLIMB."
Pardon the grammar, but she's saying, "It's the journey, not the destination". And of course, now I'm typing about songs about dreams, and tomorrow being Martin Luther King, Jr Day, my mind then jumps to the "I Have A Dream" speech.
Here's the part when I could make a long blog longer, but I won't. I could add an excerpt from the chapter in my book on Dreaming, refer to my friend Tara Steeves, the dream coach and founder of the Dream Party, who wrote a book on dreams. I could share all the dreams I've ever had, discuss day dreaming, dream analysis, or just say "Sweet Dreams", and sign off.
But instead, it's the CLIMB that stands out for me. Because with every "dream come true" I've ever had, from the beginning point, the dream itself seems so far fetched, so unattainable, so far away. And now, having seen the grand vision of the "Fresh" venture, I'm in the same exact place-having to move mountains to make it happen. More than one person who has read this blog has said to me, "I don't know how you do it."
Well, neither do I. But I never worry about The How. I just take the next step in faith. And the next one, and the next, and eventually, I finish the climb. And it feels good. And then, way over there, there's another mountain to climb. And I always want to make it move.
Am I restless? Attention deficit? Nope. Just ambitous, I'd like to think. Definitely not lazy. Sometimes a little crazy. But no one is going to make my dreams come true except for me. And so, to climb, or not to climb? That is the question.
It's not about what's waiting on the other side-it's the CLIMB! :)
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 15 - The Fresh Mansion
Because it already is. How bad can a day be that starts with Julie Andrews and Mickey Mouse pancakes?
I had forgotten what a lovely film that is. Frauline Maria is my kind of chick. She leaves the convent singing a song about confidence, approaches the Von Trapp castle with wonder and amazement, and quickly wins the hearts of the children and staff. She's definitely fresh.
Speaking of Fresh, I am meeting our realtor, John Tripodi, to view a potential site in Newport for the Fresh Mansion at noon today. Someday, this place (or one like it) will be the female alternative to the PlayBoy Mansion, but less tacky. Because hottie guys in bunny costumes seems a little bit ridiculous. Well, a lot ridiculous, actually.
OK, maybe the guys can dress up in bunny costumes the night before Easter, but that's IT. A girl's gotta draw the line somewhere.
While I go get ready, and try to figure out what the male staff should wear the rest of the year, you should Google "412 Bellevue Ave, Newport RI", check it out, and let me know what you think. See the description, "Single Family Home with 22 bedrooms". Those Guilded Age peeps really knew how to live!
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Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 14 - A Word About Perfection
I'm not perfect, and don't claim to be. But completion is more important than perfection in this case. And, when you're operating at the speed I have been lately, you can't slow down and write perfectly. You must sacrifice perfection or run the risk of not getting the job done.
That being said, your marketing reflects your quality, and some might read this blog and say, "Michelle settles for less than perfect. Our "brand experience" with her company will probably be less than perfect. And so I have to work extra hard to make sure that's not the case. I realize customer service and the "perfect" Fresh experience is required for customer loyalty, repeat business and word of mouth referrals. So, allow me to clarify. All I'm talking about is the daily blog, people. That's it.
Sew, thanc ewe 4 you're patients w/ me typin errers... :)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 13 - The Fortune is in the Followup
And, if I didn't have to get Jessie on the school bus in less than an hour, I'd type up all the delicious details of my day. But instead, I'l just tell you all about it in a future post.
If yesterday was back-to-back meetings, then today will be back-to-back emails. As they say, the fortune is in the followup! And I have a LOT of following up to do.
Then, I have a lunch date with my favorite person from the Secretary of State's office, Kelly Carrello. Then, I volunteer in Nick's classroom, and this afternoon, I'm going to a RI Business Plan Competition event. Tonight, I hang out at RKB to get my butt kicked AGAIN in their Biggest Loser class. Lots to do, as always!
Will fill you in later...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Day 12 - Today is a challenge.
-the Emerging Women in Business board meeting,
-coffee with Sixcia at RISBDC,
-signing papers at attorney, Kas' office,
-lunch with Alayne White, spa owner,
-meeting with Amanda to discuss embroidery of the sleepwear,
-meeting with RiverzEdge, to discuss production of the sleepwear, and
-schmoozing with alumni in the luxury box at the URI basketball game tonight.
I'm tired just thinking about it, but then again, this is MY KIND OF DAY! :)
BTW, I chose jeans, a white long-sleeved tee, warm fuzzy boots and a green wrap. I think it works. Let them talk if they don't like it. :-p
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Testing the mobile blog function
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Day 11 - Progress is Good, Life is Good
So, first, the progress:
- Inventory arrived! All my stuff for the "Fresh Fix" gift bags came in finally! Ironically, the same day as my credit card bill, so I'd better get selling.
- Product photography. I hired my friend Jim, who did the Sassy Ladies' photo shoot in July to take some great, professional pictures of the bags, and I'm almost ready to shoot the launch video. One more product to pick up. I haven't been able to find it at a price I like.
- Research and development - I set up meetings with an embroidery person, and someone "who's absolute passion is sewing", with screenprinting capabilities, to keep the product development of the "jammie hoodies" moving along. I added that phrase to the trademark search Kas is running for me. I also found out that the company that brought you "The Snuggie" just released "Hoodie Footies", which are "soft as a marshmellow" and really cute. Good - that means there's a market for this. Jumping on it. My meetings are on Wednesday, and hopefully I'll have specs in a couple of weeks.
- Mansions, club wear, makeup, oh my! - Put out feelers on a piece of real estate I would love to own in Newport, contacted y friend Todd about a line of branded club wear, met with Jade, who could help me tremendously with events and childcare, and added more people to the service provider list (reiki, reflexology, makeup, video/documentary services, limo provider and a yacht charter). Moving right along!
- Brainstorm sessions - And, I brainstormed some more with my trusted advisors - this time, family members. My Dad, who gave me some really cool business advice that he learned from my grandfather (remind me to tell you that story some day) and my brother and sister-in-law. Alicia is one of the "beautiful people", who is always stylish, well-put together, and smiling. I had to return the Christmas present I bought her (a North Face jacket), because it was too small. So we went out shopping for a new one, and found a fabulous cream colored Calvin Klein - a warm, hooded, puffy jacket. (I am sure that there is an "official" name for this style, which she probably knows, but I'm clueless.) She looks adorable in it, and it was fun to "talk shop" while we shopped! She loved the "My Big Fresh Wedding Party" concept, and offered to help.
My Dad offered the use of his 1971 Cadillac El Dorato for shuttle services, and his Caddy Club connections. I'm calling it the "Fresh Sugar Daddy's Caddy" shuttle. I can't wait to hire my dad to drive me around town! I also want to hire my mom to be my business manager. She's so good with managing all the details and bookkeeping- she's done it for my dad for years. My daughter is already designing the perfect child care center, complete with Miley Cyrus' closet for dress up, and gate, to keep the boys out. LOL My cousin Christine will be the accountant. This will be a family business indeed.
What else, what else... oh! Life Is Good!
I'm a big fan of the "Life is Good" brand. For Christmas, everyone in my house got L.I.G. clothes - Rich got a long-sleeved "Road Warrior" bike shirt, Jessie a "Surf's Up" t-shirt, Nick got a basketball t-shirt, and I got an Aqua Volleyball! I went to blow it up yesterday, and in typical Michelle style, skipped a step (moistening the needle) and the pin broke right off the pump, embedded in the hole and I almost broke a tooth trying to get it out. Thank goodness for my hero, Rich, who took it to his workshop in the garage, and came back with a fully repaired, properly inflated ball, which I can now play with. I'm not sure the pump made it, though. Rest in peace.
So, as I was throwing out the box, I decided to cut out the cute logo for my desk. I noticed that they are right in Derry, NH, a few hours drive north of here. I'll be connecting with them soon, to see if there's any possibility of a Fresh collaboration. (Road trip!) I just love their message, their look, and the quality of their products. It's a good company, with a great story. Life is good indeed.
Day 10 - The Will To Win
"The Will to Win"
by Berton Braley
If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it,
If only desire of it
Makes you quite mad enough
Never to tire of it,
Makes you hold all other things tawdry and cheap for it,
If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about it,
If gladly you'll sweat for it,
Fret for it,
Plan for it,
Lose all your terror of God or man for it,
If you'll simply go after that thing that you want
With all your capacity,
Strength, and sagacity,
Faith, hope, and confidence, stern pertinacity,
If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness nor pain
Of body and brain
Can turn you away from the thing that you want,
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it,
You'll get it.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Day 9, part 2 - Introducing "My Big Fresh Wedding Party"
It's time to let the cat out of the bag, and tell you "The Big Idea". I started a company which will put an end to the "tacky" bachelorette party, providing brides and their friends and family with tasteful alternatives. My aim is to create a "Girls Night Out" experience filled with good, clean, safe FUN.
The website I registered but haven't built yet is "www.MyBigFreshWeddingParty.com". This site will feature a line of products and services, including the first in the line-up:
- upcoming destination bachelorette parties, hosted right here in beautiful Rhode Island,
- a gift bag for the bride and/or bridal party
- a line of bachelorette/bridal sleepwear (because you WILL need sleep after your "big fresh wedding party").
We will have a wide range of exciting options for people who want to connect with their bridal party, friends and family before (or after!) the Big Day in a way that goes beyond the boundaries of a sex toy party, a male stripper or a night of clubbing with the very sleazebags you are trying to avoid by getting married in the first place.
Because I am a crazy entrepreneur who started marketing on Twitter before the marketing site was built, there is nothing for you to buy, see or do on this site. But if you want to say hi you can:
~ leave a comment below,
~ send me a shout out on Twitter.com/myfreshwedding,
~ or email me your "story" at myfreshwedding@gmail.com
and I will look forward to connecting with you, and look forward to sharing the buzz as it arrives!
Day 9 - A new challenge - is social media an "Ineffective Fad"?
After letting my cats in and out of the garage, (coyotes live nearby, so we don't let them out, and they love going into the cold garage...) I settled onto my couch, reading Providence Business News. On page 7, there's an article titled "Don't dither, start a marketing campaign surge now." Don't dither? A bit old school, but I read the advice from author Bill Welsh, to see what I can glean to create a surge in my own companies' marketing campaigns.
Develop a plan. Advertising. Publicity. Web site. I'm with Bill on most of it. Until his last point on social media, which I quote:
"The jury is still out on how effective the social media are in developing business...research Facebook, Twitter, and youTube and other social media through any search engine. Evaluate the social media in terms of its potential to help your business. You don't want to waste your valuable time on an ineffective fad, but you don't want to miss worthwhile opportunities either."
Oh, Bill. I must disagree. But as I start this blog post, I realize I don't know who Bill is, so I look for his website in the bylines. He only provided an AOL email address, so I go to the Web and google him. No luck. Well, he must be on LinkedIN, right? No listing for 'Bill Welsh' or 'William Welsh', or 'Welsh, Inc.' in RI. Hmm. Where's his website? Maybe Bill needs some help with his own online branding, and he's probably a very knowledgeable marketing professional, but all I'm saying is that he probably should not have tackled this subject matter without personal experience with it.
What fired me up about what Bill wrote is that he is typical of the "old school" advertising set. Instead of understanding "the fads" in their industry, they plant seeds of doubt about their effectiveness, in order to cling to their own domain (advertising and public relations). Maybe your jury is still out, Bill, but in my court, the verdict is that your business will not exist (nor will any of your clients' businesses) in ten years - maybe sooner - if you do not embrace the social media.
It is public relations in real time. Online presence in these sites is what websites were ten years ago, but at warp speed. I mean, read Day 7 and Day 8 of this blog. I put an idea online one day, and it ranks #4 on Google the next day. On a weekend day, I've had over 30 people read the post, and a handful have contacted me on Twitter and Facebook to say "Great idea!" and "Good luck!" It's a marketing dream!
I don't even have a website for this new brand yet, I'm still waiting on the trademark search to move that forward. But I may not even need one. The social media sites allow for direct customer communication, relationship building, word of mouth and brand loyalty. And, best of all, they are FREE.
So instead of badmouthing Bill Welsh, I invite him to give the social media world a chance. And I intend to prove him wrong. I am making a bold statement here that my new business will be advertised EXCLUSIVELY through the social media.
I have already used Facebook extensively during the start up phase:
- to contact my attorney. I don't even know Kas' email address. I just went to the Facebook app on my Blackberry while I was in my kitchen one day, and shot him a message. A week later, we met to discuss the idea and get the formation papers, trademark search, and contract needs outlined.
- to contact suppliers and advisors - I set up meetings with my Facebook friends who I knew could play a role in this new business. Because they knew me (and a lot about me as a person) by watching my posts for the past two years, they welcomed me with open arms and are opening doors for me in ways that would have taken months in the past. My business idea came to me on December 16th, and not even a month later, I have researched costs, set up marketing events, made production contacts, lined up services, venture partners, product photographers and videographers to create my You Tube promos. People I trust (and who may become board members) have already met or spoken with me, both to brainstorm and refine the idea and to provide ideas, contacts and advice. I may have even found some childcare help, which I will definitely need as this business takes off.
- to clear the pathways - I have meetings this week with my Facebook friends who work at the Secretary of State's office and the RI Economic Development Corporation to get their input on what I need to do at a city/state/town level to make sure I don't run into any nasty surprises. I also plan to find out what kind of assistance they can provide, to help me take this to higher levels more quickly. I'd rather have the state on my side than working against me! I feel lucky to be starting this business in Rhode Island, which was recently listed as a place hostile to small business. I hope we can change that perception, and know my FB friends will help me.
- to contact the customers - In the coming weeks, I will be launching the brand, and I will go join every Facebook fan page, Twitter feed, and LinkedIN group that is relevant to my market. I will drive targeted, relevant traffic to my website, and should see orders and leads come in, if I do it right. Then, if I make those customer happy, they'll RAVE about me to their friends, generating more sales! Yes, by building awareness of my brand in these venues, my efforts will turn into actual sales. Cash in the bank. I'm talking about real money here, folks. Dollah dollah bills, y'all... The stuff a business needs to survive and thrive.
In short, succcess in business is more about who you know than what you know. And while it takes time to develop a network of trusted friends, THAT'S what the social media can do for you. I've been building my network online for over five years, and now I feel like I'm sitting at the red light in a Ferrari with the engine revving, about to hit zero to sixty in the next 30 seconds. It's marketing at warp speed.
It's going directly to the customer in places where they already are. Not by getting a glossy ad in front of them seven times over the next seven months, but by talking to them. By joining their conversations, because as you know (and as I suspect you fear) they ARE talking. Why not get them talking kindly about YOU?
OK, I'm stepping off my social media soapbox now. Time to go finish my business plan. I'm going to reallocate the budget I had for print advertising. Now I'm on a mission. Thanks, Bill. You just saved me a ton of cash. ;-)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 8 - Google ranked me #4 for jammie hoodies!
Anyone searching for "jammie hoodies" and would like to place an advance order, please comment on this post and leave your email address. (Haha. I'm only half kidding.) Proceeds from this product will go directly into my son's college fund, since he had the idea yesterday. I only have 12 more years to save up. ;-)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Day 7 - Jammie Hoodies
Nick: (pulling on the string of my hoodie sweatshirt) "I wish my jammies had a hood on them."
Me: You can just wear a sweatshirt to bed.
Nick: No! It has to be part of the jammies.
Me: Oh, "hoody jammies", great idea!
Nick: You should tell that to the Jammie Store.
Me: I'll just make them myself. I'll call them the Nicholas Hoody Jammies.
Nick: No, call them Jammie Hoodies. And make them soft.
Me: You got it, buddy!
I SO intend to follow through on this one. ;-) It's such a "fresh" idea. OK, back to snuggle time...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day 6 - Sleep? I don't need no stinking sleep.
So I just got up and started a calendar for all the activity that's slowly building around this new business. (That helps me get stuff out of my head and then I can go back to sleep. I call it a "brain dump".) I went to find a piece of info in my email and got a little sidetracked. I got an email from Christine Arylo, who has one of my favorite sites. She suggests throwing a "self love party" on the night before Valentine's Day, which I threw for my daughter and some friends last year. We called it "Yeay Me!" in honor of London Tipton from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, because Jessie was 6 at the time, and she loved that show.
Anyway, this year, Christine is throwing a "Self-Luv-apalooza" party, in San Francisco at the Claremont Hotel on 2/14 this year. Can you stand it? Now, Wendy (one of my business partners in The Sassy Ladies) is moving to the Bay area on Monday and I already miss her. Miriam (my other partner) and I were going to try to figure out when to visit her, maybe the spring? This seems like the perfect excuse.
This is what I do while most people are sleeping. Create fabulous businesses and dream vacations. The life I dream of. I should get back to the "brain dump", so maybe I can go back to sleep at 5:30 and catch another hour before the kids wake up...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 5 - Don't Think About It, Just Do It
I wish I could say I do it without whining. There are times when I honestly believe there is no way in hell I am going to be able to finish the 15 reps, or run the last few minutes on the treadmill, or - this one killed me - squats holding a medicine ball while standing on this balance thingy. Really, Christina? Really?! In my ear, she's saying, "Come on, girl, you can do it." In my head, I'm thinking I can't. That's when I decide to stop - just to take a breather before I complete the exercise.
About halfway through our session today, I got tired of hearing the whining in my head. So I told myself, "Don't think about it, just do it." And the workout miraculously got easier. Not that Christina let off at all, the workout wonder that she is. It was my mindset. I came here to get a good workout in. If I wanted to wimp out, I would have stayed at home. Just do it. The last half mile on the treadmill. Just do it. 45 duck squats. Just do it. Crunches, sprints, heavy bag, weights. Tomorrow is going to hurt!
Later this afternoon, at my attorney, Kas' office the same mantra ran through my head. It was the point of decision - I came here to discuss the new business formation and research the fees involved. I know this business is brilliant, and has potential to make thousands in revenue in the first few months alone. His fees were very reasonable. I don't have a penny in revenue right now, but I heard myself saying, "Let's do it." Don't think about it.
Of course, I have thought of nothing else for three weeks. It's not like I haven't strategized the hell of of this thing. But it was all the doubt I was referring to. What if it doesn't work? What if I can't generate the revenue in time to pay the legal bills? Stop! Don't start doubting. You will make it work. Just do it. And so I did.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 4 - Blankies, Birds and Bachelorettes
Out of the mouths of babes.
This morning, Nicholas was trying to claim ownership of my college blanket, the one my Nanny had made me. As I wrapped it around him, I teased, “No way! That’s my blankie. My grandmother made me that. (pause) You probably don’t remember her, do you? She was Grammy's mom.”
“No. Where is she?”
“Well, she died when you were a baby. She’s up in heaven now.” Seeing his worried face, I added, “I like to think she’s an angel, smiling down on us. Of course, she always said she’d return to earth as a bird, so maybe she’s outside our window right now!”
We opened the shade to peek, but it was still dark, and the birdfeeder was empty. No birds.
“Why will she come back as a bird?”
“She always loved birds, and she told Auntie Beth this once when she was very sick at the hospital.”
Nicholas offers this charming thought, “Maybe she’ll slam into the window.”
“Nick! That’s not a very nice thing to say!”
“Well, she might be trying to come in and visit us.” (OMG, I love this kid.)
We’ll have to teach Nanny Bird to knock at the door. Not that I want birds in my house. Because what if one of the cats got it... wait. Enough! How do I get myself into these life and death conversations with a five year old?
Yesterday's meeting went well. Very well indeed. I can tell I am going to have oodles of support for the new business. I am speeding towards the point where I must make a decision about whether or not to jump ahead and take concrete action. Yesterday may have been the tipping point, as they say. I have a date - March 17th where I have the opportunity to take part in an event as a vendor and present the products and services to my future client. It is absolutely risk free. And it gives me a concrete date to motivate around, which has always worked for me. "Someday" will always be there, but when I pick a date and commit to it, that's when I make things happen.
And, yes, my new business will serve bachelorettes, among others. I have this grand vision which opens the market up to all people eventually as the business grows, but you've got to pick a niche, and this is a vastly underserved market. The enormity of the wedding industry blows me away. It is one of life's major expenditures. The parties, the clothes, the transportation, the gifts, the decorations. A quick Google search estimates the size of the industry to be between $40 and $70 billion, with 2.5 million weddings a year in the US.
And, I've been doing research for over a week now, talking to experts, going to bridal fairs, reading every bridal magazine I can get my hands on, and no one's doing this. I am in entrepreneurial heaven. A $70 billion market and no one is currently serving a niche which is vastly underserved. Cha-ching! (Can you tell why I am so careful about keeping the idea close at hand? Well, slowly leaking tidbits on the Internet (even though I don't yet have a handful of readers...) is risky. So I'll let you know when I'm ready, and I'm almost there!
End of Day Note -
PHEW! What a day. I created a new Twitter account (twitter.com/myfreshwedding), linked to potential investors, brought on two charter JV partners, and had a great meeting with a future board member at my favorite coffee shop. (Oh, and I finally got the shopping cart links updated on my Sassy Ladies website.) Time to change hats into Mommy mode - make dinner, help with homework, crash on the couch after getting the kids to bed at 8pm, and get ready to do it all again tomorrow! ;0) Life is good.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Day 3 - First Work Day of the Decade & The Christmas Tree Debate
No, really, today is going to be a great day. The kids are going back to school, Rich is going back to work, and I'm rolling up my sleeves and tackling the growing list of to-dos that have accumulated over winter break. This includes writing checks, returning emails, wrapping up the 2009 Sassy books, and finally finishing the links on the new promo web page for our new Sassy Club social media service. Better start with that last one. Its long overdue.
I also have a meeting this afternoon that is part of my research for the new business. I'm dying to share the details, but I'm not quite ready. But I'm happy to be moving forward on this part of the planning. I decided to take one of my Sassy Ladies books, and actually use it to write the business plan for this idea! We always wanted it to be a good workbook for that exercise - I'll put it to the test.
Wanted Dead Or Alive
On another note, I made another big decision yesterday, as Rich took the Christmas tree out of the house. That would be our last dead Christmas tree.
For years, I've battled him on the "live versus fake tree" debate. To me, it's just not the same unless you have that "pine tree smell". I've always loved the tradition of going out to buy the tree, braving the cold, finding just the right one, and bringing a little bit of the outdoors inside in the cold month of December. In recent years, I've also loved supporting the local farms, refusing to get a weeks-old tree from Home Depot, where Rich threatens to do every year. A fake one was just out of the question.
This year, after Rich refused to spend $60 to cut a fresh one like last year (which I agree was crazy), we went to my favorite roadside flower and garden shop, The Rose Shack, and got a perfectly nice cut tree. I didn't ask if it was shipped from Canada or cut recently from a local farm, mainly because it was pouring rain at the time, but also because I didn't want to know I have loved the Rose Shack since college days when it was literally a shack that sold roses, not the big garden center it has grown into, and so that was supporting local business enough for me.
But, yesterday, as Jessie waved goodbye to our pretty tree, I felt a wave of sadness. That the life of this little tree had come to an end. That its purpose in its 15-20 year old life was to decorate our house for a month. Well, today, it will join all the other dead pine trees at the transfer station, getting turned into mulch, so it's not quite finished yet, but all the same, it felt wasteful. Jessie's comment snapped my thoughts back to the present moment, "Oh, Mom, look at all the pine needles!"
As we swept up the mess, we discussed possible alternatives:
We could buy a live tree and plant it in the backyard in the spring. But I don't have the best track record with keeping plants alive in the house.
We could just decorate one of the plastic fica trees with lights. Really? No.
We could just decorate an outdoor tree with food for the birds. But then we couldn't put on all the sentimental ornaments I got at my bridal shower, or the ones that the kids have gotten or made each year. No, it has to be an inside tree.
As he pulled out the vaccuum cleaner, Rich made a final pitch for the fake tree, "They make realistic looking ones now, that even come with your pine tree smell." If we went now, we could probably save some money on leftover inventory, one with built-in lights. Maybe we will do that. I mean, we can always get "that smell" from a wreath or centerpiece. The Rose Shack makes beautiful ones. And, this minimizes the fire hazard, and takes one more holiday daily chore of my list - watering.
And today, looking out at the poor little, empty, dead Christmas tree in the bed of Rich's truck, I think my decision is made. I'm going to miss that little tree. I wish I could just pack it in a box and use it again next year.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Day 2 - I jumped...again
For the last three weeks, I've been in what I can only refer to as an "entrepreneurial frenzy". I've been this way before. My brain wakes me up at 3am filled with all kinds of ideas, so seemingly brilliant that I simply must get up and write them down. I can't stop thinking about the idea all day, molding it in my thoughts like a piece of Play Doh until it takes its perfect shape as a new product or service.
Usually it happens for a day or two, then I start thinking too much about it, playing devil's advocate, researching competition, pricing and business models, and eventually convince myself that it won't work. Many times when it happens, I actually tell others about it. Sometimes they help me do the research, most times they look at me like I'm completely crazy. Sometimes I think they are right. Other times I know I'm right.
You might laugh if I told you all the brilliant businesses I have schemed, many ahead of their time, and many which came to fruition by other entrepreneurs. Like the wellness center idea in 1997, before "alternative health" went mainstream. Or the gift card mall kiosk business that my Dad and I researched for my entrepreneurship class project in business school. Yep - we shared that idea with the owner of one downtown restaurant, and as we were getting it off the ground, he swooped in and did the same thing himself that Christmas. Ah, the lessons we learn as we go...
Then there was the online marketing company, which I researched for another class with a work colleague while I was getting my MBA. This was back in 1994, before the Internet was mainstream - the company we worked for had just installed email, but you could only use it internally, and it had no website. Only universities did, and they were for sharing research, not marketing. (OK, I am REALLY dating myself here.) We looked at new websites like Amazon.com and hosting companies like Log On America and dreamed of a marketing business of our very own, supporting small businesses who wanted to connect with customers over the Internet.
This one was put on the back burner for almost seven years, missing the "first-to-market" advantage that other web developers achieved, but I did eventually start a consulting practice in this field in 2002, called Next Step Web Marketing. I had gotten laid off from my corporate job when I was 5 months pregnant, and decided it was the perfect time to give the "start my own business" thing a try. It was successful and in 2005, I merged with search engine marketing firm, Precision Web Marketing, grew the company to six figures and six employees, then sold it back to my partner in 2007, to spend more time with my family (the kids were then five and three years old), and get my other new business off the ground.
The idea for my current business, The Sassy Ladies, was born at a class I was taking at Bryant University in 2006 to learn more about how to sell stuff on eBay. It was not going to be a new company, just a product - an eBook for women, to help them get through the start-up period of their businesses. My two co-authors and I were amazed at how easy it was for us to work together, and ever the entrepreneurs ourselves, we designed various services to meet the needs of our market - including coaching services, a retreat weekend, an online subscription, and technology teleclasses. A new business was born. Our book, The Sassy Ladies Toolkit for Start-up Businesses, was self-published under the Two Harbors Press label, launched in April 2009, won many accolades and awards, and received great reviews by readers. We're very proud of this book, and the work that we've done.
For Christmas a few years back, my mother -in-law gave me a copy of Dr. Christianne Northrup's book, Mother Daughter Wisdom. In the 2nd chapter titled "Life is a Series of Wombs", she describes a "seven-year cycle", or stages of development, which we pass through during our lives:
"...we must go through labor and birth yet again. Appropriate timing for this process is as crucial to our health and happiness as is the timing of labor during a pregnancy. Failure to progress and move on when we have reached the end of a developmental stage, or trying to skip a stage and moving on too soon, are associated with health risks - even, in some cases, premature death."
Mine is not a seven year cycle. Two days before Christmas, at a luncheon, my dear friend, Audrey Kullberg asked me if I had a two year attention span, to which I answered, "Why no, mine is four years!" It's after four years that I always start getting itchy in my career. I love the start-up. Sometimes I wonder if it is a character flaw, but looking back, I know that I have grown personally and professionally because of the decisions I have made to keep on pushing myself. To keep doing what I'm doing for more than four years feels like I'm settling or lazy, and quite frankly, I get bored. Doing the same thing day in and out does not make me happy. And, thanks to Dr. Northrup, I now know that is is bad for my health! Good excuse, thanks Christine. :)
So, this latest "entrepreneurial frenzy" has gotten me up out of bed before 5am for almost three weeks straight. It's getting ridiculous how huge the idea is, and how desperately I need a normal sleep cycle! Yesterday at Jessie's basketball practice, I fell asleep, right there in the gym, on the top row of the bleachers! Resting my head on her coat, I snoozed for 20 minutes amidst bouncing basketballs, screaming 7 year old girls, and the coaches' whistles. I NEED SLEEP! But there I am at 4:30am, staring at the clock again, wide awake, with thoughts of marketing strategies, partnership opportunities, product packaging, and meetings I have to set up, emails I have to send.
I finally get up, write stuff down, shoot out some emails, and during the day, I share the concept with people I trust, both to sanity check my ideas, get some early feedback. This time, everyone smiles and says, "Michelle, that's a great idea, and no one is doing it." Well, my husband's reaction wasn't so coordial, but he's got a lot at stake, and is quite invested. I'll tell you about that conversation someday. But yesterday, I decided to start writing the business plan. I researched some inventory costs, some competition, and registered a couple of domain names. I'm committed now, or I should be...
I am not ready to share the concept with the world quite yet, but the concept is quite fresh. Something you would expect to see from a Sassy Lady. It's something I can picture doing for the rest of my life, and luckily, it has enough scalability that I can grow within it every four years for the rest of my life. I can start small, and grow as the funds become available. Fortunately, I have no readers of this blog yet, so I'm not worried about giving the idea away too soon. Ha. But soon enough, I will fill you in. Stay tuned!