Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 - Learning to Say No

Just because I want to do it all doesn't mean I can.

I just got the following email from a very worthy cause, and it struck me as very assumptive. I changed the names to protect the innocent

"Enclosed please view the invite for the {Very Worthy Cause Organization Rhode Island} first event. We need your support for this new chapter coming to Providence soon. Many great people have surfaced including {Name of a friend} to help launch this important mission.

Please contact me directly so we can discuss your important part in this new chapter.
Thanking you in advance, {Name of organizer}"

I read her email, and clicked on the attached flyer invite. It is normally something I would happily attend. But, I already have two conflicting events that I want to go to - my fitness program at the gym - which is only 12 weeks on Thursday nights, and my friend Michelle's Soul at Work Movie Night, which is the event I have chosen to attend that evening.

Here was my response:
Dear (name),
I have heard of your organization and fully support the mission.

Unfortunately on February 25th I already have two events that I committed to. I really wish cloning technology would take off faster. As a busy woman yourself, I'm sure you understand.

Good luck with your event, and please keep me on your mailing list for future events and campaigns.

Saying 'NO' feels pretty freaking good sometimes, I gotta tell ya. I have to try that more often. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the art of saying no, because it is an art. The other part is staying committed to what you originally planned to do. Why? Because it shows integrity.

    Obviously if you pooped out and have to re-neg on something, an apology is always accepted. But I have to say, when I get a friend to go with me to an event/ networking/ (you fill in the blank) commitment I am more likely to stick to it.
    So thanks for taking me to Tara's and Maureen's event last Thursday. And I have to say, too, best to see if we can get organizations to double/ triple up their events. Then no need for the cloning machine right? Besides, the Soul goes with the original!
    Best to you continuing to reduce, refuse, and renew!
    Soul at Work
